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【评论】丹青写意 笔墨人生--写在傅啟中先生画册出版之际

2023-04-11 10:36:11 来源:艺术家提供作者:尹欣 

  傅启中先生早年考入于湖北美院,扎实的求学态度和严格的专业训练,为他奠定了坚实的绘面基础。毕业后分配到云南一县级中学任美术教历。几十年来,他在基层安心教书,潜心作画,无论是在政治风云跌宏的年代,还是在风平浪静的日子,他都能安之若泰,以美术教育为己任,以艺术追求为生命,带出不少学生,同时坚持写生和业余创作。后调到云南艺术学院任教,又任云南美协专委会主任,从此他厚积薄发,海周天空,艺术创作生涯进入了一个崭新的时代。他早年涉猎各类画种,后期则以水彩为主,其作品多以反映云南少数民族人物和云南各地风景为主,后期又到西藏采风后创作了一批新作。他曾多次入选全国美展及历届全国水彩 画展,先后在中国美术馆、成都、武汉、新加坡、台湾等地举办个展。1988年应阿根廷政府邀请并前往举办画展受到阿根廷政府及名界高度评价。多年来他已有百余幅作品为海内外藏家收藏,其中有16幅作品收藏于中国美术馆。


  傅先生的每一幅画作,都是在深入思索的基础上进行的创作,其笔下的每个画面都给观者留下了深刻印象,让观者得到美的享受。他自己曾经说过,“我爱能够体现雄浑、厚重、博大、更深沉的一切,只要拿起画笔,就使我激动不已,忘了一切,我是心灵的表现派”。他还认为“生活是严峻的,生命是顽强的。在严峻之下的顽强生命力,乃是我希望表现和礼赞的。”这些发巨心声的话语,深刻的揭示 了他的创作思想和创作理念,也都真实反映在他作品之中。他的《赶街》、《篱旁》、《康巴汉子》《香烟缭绕》、《长街行》等作品,反映的都是平常的生活场景,但田面都给观者留下了极深印象,使我们仿佛身临其境的体验到了少数民族群众的浓厚生活气息,感受到了他们对生活的乐观和企盼,在心灵上受到了强烈的震撼和感染。


  Enjoyable Paintings Colorful Life--On the occasion of publishing Mr. Fu Qizhong‘s Painting Album

  Yin Xin

  Mr. Fu @izhong was admitted by Hubei Institute of Fine Arts. in his early years. With serious study attitude and rigorous professional training, he had laid a solid foundation for future career. He was assigned to a county middle school in Yunnan as an art teacher. For decades, he had devoted himself in the base level to teaching with great concentration on painting. Now matter in turbulent political times or in peaceful days, he remained calm with equanimity. Had taking on teaching as his duty and arts as his life pursuit, he fostered many a students. He kept on practicing sketching from nature and drawing during those years. Later, he was transferred to teach in Yunnan Arts University, and selected director of Yunnan Provincial Committee of Professional Painters. Since then, he has exploded into an ever new era of art creation from those years’ accumulation. In his early years, he attempted all kinds of painting; then he began to focus on the water color painting. The majority of his paintings are on the minority people and natural sceneries of Yunnan. He also visited Tibet for creating a new series of paintings. His pictures have been repeatedly exhibited in national arts exhibitions and

  watercolor exhibitions; he also held several solo shows in the National Art Museum of China, Chengdu, Wuhan, Singapore and Taiwan. In 1988, the government of Argentina invited him to an exhibition, he and his paintings were highly applauded by the Government and all circles. In these years, over 100 of his pictures have been collected by people from domestic and abroad, and 16 pieces have been stored in the National Art Museum of China.

  Mr. Fu‘s works are creative with deliberate innovation on traditional techniques. His watercolor is stately, strict, vigorous and forceful, which differs from usual watercolor seeking for subtil artistic conception with hazy smoke and rain, and bold and untrained color effect. Especially, his lifelike figure paintings have very strong color rendering close to reality but meanwhile expressive. With elegant coloring and meticulosity, through honest local figure painting, his works contain full emotions which possess a lasting appeal to appreciators. We can see his strong affection to Yunnan minority nationalities,

  and his love of Yunnan from his the works easily. Shao Yu, Wang Shuangcheng, and other experts have given high appraisal to Mr. Fu’s works.

  Each of Mr. Fu‘s painting is conducted on the basis of deep thinking. Every picture and image is so impressive and enjoyable. He once said, “I love those reflecting force, dignity, broadness and profoundness. Whenever I pick up a brush, it just makes me so excited to forget all. I am a soul expressionist.” He also believes that “living is severe, but life is persistent. An indomitable life under austerity is what I hope to express and praise with

  respect.” These words are from the bottom of his heart, and have revealed his creation thoughts and painting ideas. These, at last, are truly reflected in his works. For example, “Gan Jie (go to the market)”, “Beside the Fence”, “Tibet Man”, “Cigarette smoking”, “the Long Street” and his other works reflect ordinary daily life, but all of them leave people a deep impression, and make people feel like experiencing the scene. The thick lifelike air of the minorities’ life show their optimism and hopes to life, which is extremely heart striking and touching.

  Teacher Qizhong and I got to know each other for not very long, but we had been spiritually attracted for a long run already. At this very moment when he is going to have a new painting album been published, I am delighted to write this article under his invitation; I would like to take these words as congratulations to his day-to-day ceaseless pursuit with perseverance and persistence for art, and to his constantly fruitful work in the career!





