第二天,我急急赶去,见是“唐启中水彩面”,这位从“神秘而瑰丽的边疆” 来的画家,其作品也似乎具有魔力,一下子就把我给“震”住了。
他先习油画,兼水粉,有《保护森林,绿化祖国》 《纺织女工》等作品获过奖。后转水彩,唯精唯,成绩斐然:1985年有《悠悠》《玉树》两幅作品选入 “全国水彩水粉画展览”,并被文化部对外展览公司收藏;1987年由美协四川分会、云南分会主办,在成都举行的 “云南五人水彩画展”,他是作者之一,展出作品30余幅;1988年4月,由美协湖北分会、湖北美术学院湖北美术院在武汉举办“傅启中水彩画展”,展出作品70件;1988年4月,江苏美术馆邀请傅启中送作品展出,并收藏其作品1988年5月,由中国美术馆、中国美术家协会展览部、云南省教育厅在北京中国美术馆举办“庫启中水彩画展”,其展出作品有16幅,为中国美术馆收藏并发给奖状;同年11月,在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯举办“朱乃正、傅启中书画展,他展出作品40幅,同时和阿根廷艺术、教育界进行了广泛的交流。 在不长的时间里,他已在国内外展出和发表作品500余幅。今年年底,他将带着他的水彩画新作,前往新加坡举办个展……其创作大有一发不可收之势。
他在题材的选择上先把自己推到 “极限”的边沿:他描绘的对象多不是风景,多不是静物,他描绘的多是万物之灵的人生活在边疆的藏族、傣族及其他各族人民。他们顽强的生命力,在傅启中的国中表现出来,使观者沉思,使观者的心灵升华为了表现这些题材内容,他调动了油画、壁画、丙烯国、中国画等国种的表现力的优点,吸收到水彩面技法中,只要能为表
Being Unique Is Better than Being as Good as Others
pi yuanxiang
Former Copy Editor of Art of China Federation of literary and Art Circles
Fu @izhong and His Watercolor Paintings
One day in the early summer of 1988, some young friends who drew pictures told me that there was a very good exhibition held at China Art Gallery, and it would be a pity if I didn‘t go to see it. I asked them why and they said, “You will know the reason if you go to have a look. The exhibition is at the southwestern hall. and it will close tomorrow.
I hurried to get there the next day. It was Fu Qizhong’s Watercolor Painting Exhibition. I was instantly attracted by the magic paintings of the painter, who came from”the mysterious and beautiful frontier“.
I wanted to see the painter, but he wasn‘t in Beijing then, so I tried to find out his work unit, Yunnan Art Academy. 1 wrote a letter to him, showing my congratulations to him, and more importantly, asking his works for our magazines. He wrote back soon, talking about art and life. I found that he was not only good at painting, but also good at writing. It was obvious that he’s a man who liked to use his brains.
In November of that year, at the invitation of the Argentine government, he went to Argentina to hold art exhibitions with Zhu Naizheng, a famous painter. He came to see me during the period when he came to Beijing to go through the formalities. He was an urbane man with red and black skin, and of medium height. Behind the glasses were eyes that were not large. People often say you‘ll know what kind of person the painter is by looking at his paintings. I felt that he was a simple and deep person.
He expressed thanks to me, and told me that he had mistaken me for an old man. I said, “I’m not an old man but an old woman”, Everybody laughed and the atmosphere became friendly and relaxing. We talked like old friends.
He was born in Wuhan, a city of strategic importance in the Jianghan Plain, and he graduated from Hubei Art Academy in 1959. After that, he has settled down in Yunnan, the hometown of peacocks, and he has found his own language of art there.
At first, he drew oil paintings and gouache, and paintings like Protecting Forest and Afforesting Motherland and A Spinning Woman have won prizes.
Then he transferred to watercolor painting, and he has been devoted to it ever since. He has got outstanding achievements. In 1985, his two paintings Long Yeals and A Beautiful Tree were selected to the National Exhibition of Watercolor and Gouache Paintings, and collected by the Art Exhibiting Company to Foreign Countries of the Ministry of Culture. In 1987, in the Watercolor Exhibition of Five Painters of Yunnan Privence held in Chengdu, which was sponsored by Sichuan Art Association and Yunnan Art Association, he was among the five painters, and more than 30 works of his were exhibited. In April of 1988. Hubei Art Association, Hubej Art Academy and Hubei Art Gallery held the Exhibition of Fu Qizhong‘s Watercolor Paintings in Wuhan, in which 70 works were exhibited. Jiangsu Art Gallery invited him to exhibit his paintings and collected one of them. In May of 1988, China Art Gallery, the Exhibition Department of Chinese Artist Association, Yunnan Provincial Department of Education held Fu Qizhong’s Watercolor Paintings at China Art Gallery in Beijing, in which 16 of his works were exhibited, collected and awarded certificates. In November of the same year, the Painting and
Calligraphy Exhibition of Zhu Naizheng and Fu Qizhong was held in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, 40 of his works were on exhibition, and he exchanged views extensively with the artistic and educational circles of Argentina. During a short period, more than 500 of his works had been exhibited and published in the country and abroad. At the end of this year, he is going to Singapore to hold his personal watercolor exhibition.… His creation is becoming even more vigorous.
Fu Qizhong said. “I forget everything else when I take up my painting brush. “ The achievements he has got are the fruits of labor. The work is the coordination of his hands and brain, the blend of thought and technique. He tries to assimilate the good things of the traditional ethnic folk art and modern art, in order to break the”limit“to the usual expression of watercolor painting.
At first, he pushes himself to the edge of the “limit”to the choice of the subject. Most of the subjects he depicts are not landscapes or inanimate subjects. What he likes to depict is human being, the most intelligent living thing on earth, the Zang, Dai and other ethnic people living on the frontier.
The vigorous vitality of the people expressed in Fu Qizhong‘s paintings sets the audience thinking, making the soul purified.
In order to express the subjects, he has added the advantages of oil painting, mural painting, acrylic painting, traditional Chinese painting and other types of painting to the watercolor painting technique to serve different purposes. We can say that his watercolor painting technique pursues the blending of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign paintings. It’s a harmonious internal combination of Chinese and Western paintings.
Yang Shenan of the Ming Dynasty said in the book Painting Appreciation that Sun Wei drew water, Zhang Nan drew fire, Wu Daozi drew figures, and Yang Huizh.…All these great masters had their unique views and painting techniques, and they knew that being unique was better than being as good as others. Therefore, Chen Jianzhai was good at poetry, Xin Jiaxuan was good at chinese ancient poetry, Li Taibai wrote a poem at the Yellow Crane Tower when meeting Cui Hao, and composed a poem in Jinling Phoenix Terrace when seeing him off······
Fu Qizhong knows this principle well, so he pains in his own way.
“Being unique is better than being as good as others. “It‘s true.
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