半世纪前曾看过由法兰克·卡普纳(FoCapra)导演的 “Lost Horizon”(中译桃源艳绩),首次揭开了古滇国神秘的面纱,印象至今深刻。1968年读 《李霖凝西南游记》,为他那生花妙笔所吸引,说那儿雪是绿的,瀑布又凝又哑,山中终年云遮雾绕,琼台玉阶,传为女娲炼石补天之处,还可随便与麋鹿游······魅力四射。近日偶然发现了傅启中先生的水彩画,老眼为之一亮。较早也欣赏了故宫博物馆所藏《谢遂职贡图》中的“丽江麽些蛮”,以及时人所绘青藏高原风光,都没有激起我的惊异和感动。
他读湖北艺术学院美术科时,唐-禾兄弟的班底还在,尚维持纯艺术的教学,杨立光、刘农国老师更是倾囊以授,他珍惜这一良机,用志不紊,凤夜不懈地苦习,死心塌地追求亚波罗 ( Apollo),遂奠定坚实的绘画基础。开始默默作水彩画,因为油画颜料不易购得,他说:
近读徐嘉瑞的《大理古代文化史稿》及钱钟书的 《管锥篇》,发现傅启中的面与屈原的《离骚》有异曲同工之妙,他俩同是楚人,又同是被放逐者,一个用辞一个用画,创造了让人回肠荡气的艺术之作,所作对象又有所重叠。徐嘉瑞说楚国神话,多束白西北,与大理古代文化之来源相同,举《天问》、《九章》等篇为例,认为屈原对金沙江上游,即汶山一带,在禹所生之地曾发生极大的憧憬。钱钟书也举《九章》悲回风中所描绘的,亦即金沙江的气候及形势:“凭昆仑以瞰雾兮,隐汶山以清江,惮涌滞之瓂瓂兮,听浪声之泌汹。……悲霜雪之俱下兮,听湖水之相击。”钱氏指为〞皆开后世诗文写景法门,先秦绝无仅有。而傅启中画的,也可以说是古人之所末及,亦后世之所不可无的,他白调是当前之景与心灵背景的合成。在此,我们祝愿他更上一层楼,要与同乡先员共创千古得未曾有之奇。
傅启中的画,1985年即入选全国水彩画展,但要进到1988年,由中国美术馆副馆长曹振峰推介,在北京中国美术馆开个展时,才造成轰动,才引起艺坛的瞩日。傅启中突然成了焦点人物,当时阿根廷总统正在北京访问,很激赏他的作品,邀他访阿并在首都举办展览。文化部部长王蒙大力促成。1990年至1991年美国斯特摩兰接连举办 “国家艺术展,傅启中也都被隆重邀请,不但博取热烈!的反应,并获得头奖及宾州水彩 画会展主席团奖,以后不断在世界各地参展均获殊荣,我认为傳启中是继曾景文、程及、蓝荫鼎后,又一位杰出的华人水彩面家,他如同被誉为蒙古草原上之苍狼的腾格尔一样,震动了世人的心弦。
他很重视在中华大学的展览,并允诺提供许多非卖品,规模要超过以往。我们很兴奋将可看到他微世的洗练凝重的风格,不一而足的表现:有纯英国传统式的,有明暗极端对比林布兰 (H oVan o Rembranbr)式的,有主题突破四周留白中国面式的也有看似抽象然绝对具象式的,集精华于一堂。可说不主于一家,而别成其家。故既能醇乎其醇,亦复出奇尽变者也。我再一次提醒:那吾士吾民起居礼拜的场景,才是他椎心泣血之作,更谢谢他连同玉堹银丘一并搬到我们眼前来。兹值水彩画传华百周年之际,展出律启中之国更具特别意义。附上粗诗一首,聊表秀才人情。
The Painter from Shangri-la--Fu Oizhong
Huang Zuyin
Famous Art Critic Taiwan
Half a centry ago, I saw a film directed by F. Capra, Lost Horizon, which unveils the mysteries of the ancient place Of Dian. I still remember it very well. When I read Travel Notes in Southwest China by Li Lincan in 1968, 1 was attracted by his wonderful writing with vivid description. He said in the book that snow there was green, the waterfall was dense and dumb, and the mountains were enveloped in thin clouds and mist all the year round. It‘s said that the Qing pavilion and jade stairs were the place where Nuwa patched up the sky with the multihued stone. Moose were walking leisurely around you…The description is so fascinating. I have seen Mr. Fu Qizhong’s watercolor paintings by chance recently, and they caught my eye immediately.
Earlier I had appreciated Lijiang Moxieman of Xie Suizhi‘s paintings of tribute collected at the Palace Museum and the landscapes of Qingzang Plateau drawn by modern painters, but I was neither amazed nor touched. Now I have found there is such an excellent painter in the artistic circles, so I am anxious to know about him. First I asked the Taiwan Liaison Office for his information, and tried to contact with Mr. Fu. I called him and had a rough idea about him. I asked him to come to Taiwan to exhibit his paintings. Thanks to the invitation and the slot of time of the Art and Culture Centre of Zhonghua University, we can enjoy his wonderful paintings.
We know a person by his paintings, and we can understand why the painting has such a style by its painter. Fu Qizhong is from Hubei. He was born in a cabin in the French Concession in Wuhan in 1938, that was, the second year of War Of Resistance against Japan. His father Xixian and uncle Xiyi joined the 8th Zhen 15th Xie 29th Biao of Hubei New Army together. Having advanced ideas, they joined the revolutionary organization- “Gongjing
Association” in secret. On October 10th, 1911, Xiyi brothers and 53 students of the School of Surveying and Mapping joined with Xiong Bingkun in attacking and occupying the ordnance depot in Chuwang Tower. Soon Mr. Xiyi was promoted to the battalion commander of the bodyguard battalion of the provincial military government, while Mr. Xixian went to the Hanyang Front to fight the remnants of the Qing army. Atier the North and South held peace talks and ended the war through negotiation, Mr. Xixian was sent to the Army Training Centre, and then went to the fourth Infantry Section of Boding Military Academy. He stayed in the army after graduation and was promoted to major general. He had been the instructor of the Officer Class of Nanchang Battalion Of Military Committee, the deputy director of the supervising training office of the headquarters of the Fifth War Zone, the administrative superintendent Of Enshi District. and the head Of Construction Department Of Hubei Provincial government successively. Later he lefl the
army and took up coal mining. Bai Chong xi, the general commander of suppressing bandits in central China. persuaded him to come back to the army, but he refused. Mr. Fu @izhong has two cousins in Taiwan, one is an air vice marshal, the other is the president Of Jili Company.
Qizhong was curious about everything when he was a child, and he liked scrawling. From primary school to university, he had kept excellent marks, and he often skipped grades. He had not only showed great talent but also strong ambition.
When he studied the fine arts at Hubei Art Academy, the ordinary personnel Of Tang Yihe brothers were still there, and they taught pure art. Yang Liguang and Liu Yiwen even made every effort to teach students all they knew. Qizhong took this good opportunity to study hard day and night, keeping steadfast to Apollo, and he had laid the solid foundation of painting. Later he began to practice watercolor painting quietly. Because it’s difficult to get the pigment for painting, he said, “I‘ll get very excited and forget everything else as long as I can take up the painting brush He draws watercolor paintings with ease and liveliness, and he is capable of controlling his strokes. Water flows when he draws it. and stops when he ends it. He usually uses dark rather than bright colors to create the atmosphere. It seems that the paintings can’t fully express his ideas if the strokes are not heavy and vigorous enough, so has tried kinds of technique to make them perfect, Mang painters have had the same feeling and tried a lot, and Fu @izhong is the most successful in making the breakthrough. He has made use of the realistic feel of oil painting, rubbings of woodcut, and particularly he is original in the development of texture, Breaking off and analyzing is the method of dealing with jade, and it was developed by Weng Fanggan into the technique of”giving a lively and detailed account“ in poety. Fu @izhong uses the technique in painting and has achieved remarkable results. He said “It‘s the accident in certainty and the certainty in accident, “these words contain all flavors of sour, sweet, bitter and hot, including the joys and sorrows of life. Now many artists are curious how he has achieved the success, the reason is quite simple and there is nothing mysterious about it: nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his heart on it.
Having received the letter of appointment of Yunnan Arts University, Fu @izhong can take his time to teach and paint, and teaching benefits him as well as students. On holidays, he often goes to scenic spots to paint from life. He has been to Ruili, Mangshi, Yuanyang, Zhongdian, Deqin and Dali, even Tibetan plateau, some of which are the places where Xu Xiake had wanted to go. Shangri-la(it was authorized to be new name of Zhongdian, the capital of Diqing Zangzu Autonmous Prefecture by the State Council in 2001) , is the place where people all want to go. He has been there for 11 time . Li Lincan wrote in his poem, “People are to blame for infatution, but the paradise does exist in the word. “ The word “Shangri-la” means “the sun and the moon at one’s heart. “ (that is the blue moon valley by J. Hilton) in the Zang language. The scenery is so beautiful, but what Fu Qizhong depicts is the hidden and practical side of the word. He said, “When I got to the snowy mountains, canyons and grasslands, I experienced great hardships of the adverse circumstances and severe living conditions. People there have to struggle with nature for survival generation after generation, from which they have developed a disposition of being solid, indomitable and heroic. It is the indomitable life force under severe circumstances that I really want to praise. “It is also a real portrayal of his character. Therefore, every painting is the revelation of his true feelings, giving the impression of being resoult, solemn and stirring.
I have read The Historical of the Ancient Culture of Dali by Xu Jiarui and Guan Zhui by Qian Zhongshu recently and found the paintings of Fu Qizhong have the same good effect as Li Sao by Qu Yuan. Both of them were born in Hubei and later left their hometown. One used chinese ancient poetry and the other uses painting to create the soul-stirring works of art and they have they have depicted some common objects. Xu Jiarui said, like the ancient culture of Dali, most of the myths of the Kingdom of Chu originated from the nothwest of China and he took The Riddles and The Nine Elegies for example. He thought that Qu Yuan had yearne for Wen Shan area in the upper reaches of Jinshajiang River, where King Yu was born. Qian Zhongshu quoted from The Nine Elegies the sentences describing the climate and situation of Jinshajiang River, “Kunlun Mountain rises above fog, Wenshan is out of sight and @ingjiang River is characterized by swift currents. Listening to the sound of the turbulent waves, people are scared of the rushing waters. It‘s said that frost and snow fall, and we only hear the sound of water striking.
The technique that @ian Zhongshu refers to has crated the new approach to writing poems and articles to describe scenery in later generations, which was quite rare in the pre-Qin period, and we can say that the paintings of Fu Qizhong have no parellel in history. He says they are the combination of the scenery before the eyes and spiritual background. We hope he attains an even higher goal and try to create the same unparalleled miracle as the sage of his hometown.
The paintings of Fu Qizhong were chosen to the National Watercolor Exhibition in 1985, but it was not until 1988 that he caused sensation and received praise throughout the art circles, because of the recommendation of Cao Zhengfeng, the vice-superintendent of China Art Gallery and his personal art exhibition at China Art Gallery in Beijing. The Argentine President was visiting Beijing at the time, and he apperciated Fu Qizhong’s works so much that he invted Fu Qizhong to go to Argentina and hold an exhibition in the capital. The visit was successful thanks to the great efforts of Wang Meng, the Minister of Culture. From 1990 to 1991, National Art Exhibitions were held in Stermoland, America, and Fu Qizhong was formally invited there. His paintings not only caused strong repercussions but also won the first prize and the presidium prize of the 13th Pennsylvanian Watercolor Exhibition. Later his paintings were on exhibition in many places of the world and gained great honor. He was unanimously regarded as another outstanding Chinese watercolrist after Zeng Jingwen, Cheng li and Lan Yinding. Like Teng Geer, who is called “the wolf of the Mongolian Grasslands”, Fu Qizhong tugs at people‘s heartstrings.
He pays much attention to the exhibition at Zhonghua University, and promises to provide many paintings that he doesn’t sell. He plans to hold an exhibition larger than ever. We are excited to see his succinct and dignified style, which is expressed in various ways. There will be the pure traditional English style, the style of strong chiaroscuro by s van. renbranbr, Chinese painting style with subject berakthrough and blank space on all sides, and the concrete style which looks like an abstract one, the exhibition will bring together the cream of arts. We can say that his painting style doesn‘t come from one school but it does belong to a unique school. So it can be further improved and enriched, and also change in variours ways. I emphasize again that he has exerted his utmost effort to experss the scenes of the daily life of our native people. we’ll thank him for bringing the field ridge and hillock which are as precious as jade and silver to us. It happens to be the hunderdth anniversary of water color coming to China, and Fu gizhong‘s exhibition is of great importance. I write a poem to express my heartfelt congratulations.
God praises the painter’s depiction of the world, and Shangri-la begins to open its door. enery paintion is coagulated with grease and tears, and the tenacity of the border people comes out of the frame.
Huang zu yin
xin zhu. may15, 2006
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