祖籍湖北安陆,生于武汉。入学甚早,小学多次跳级,1949年9月已入四1省江津县中学习,1953年入湖北孝感师范,因家贫,求学刻苦,成绩为全班之冠。1956年入湖北艺术学院,受著名油面国家杨立光、刘农间、万昊及著名水彩画画家魏正起先生教益。毕业后长期人事美术教育及油画、宣传画等作品的创作,近年来,全力投入水彩 画创作,悉心研究名种技法,刻苦自励,常年不辍。作品多次入选全国美展及历届全国水彩大展。在国内外多次获重要奖项。
1957年,水彩画《远眺长江大桥》入选湖北省大桥美展。1959年,水彩画《红军团长方和明》《新村在望》入选****湖北省美展。其中《新村在望》为100× 150cm 的大幅作品。1959年傅启中分到云南任中学教师,仍坚持作画,多年来,他坚持深入生活,多白费成行。边疆民族地区的村村寨寨、山山水水都留下了他的足迹。他尤其钟情于藏族,多次到滇西北写生,并两次只身赴西藏,历经甘苦,锲而不舍。1981年调云南艺术学院任教,1983年他重新投入水彩面创作,吸收各画种的画法,以人物为主,在水彩技法上有所突破。1986年《悠悠》《玉树》入选首届全国水彩画、水粉画展,作为优秀作品在首都展出,随后赴朝鲜展出。郁风为《艺术家》著文介绍中国大陆当代水彩画时刊用了 《玉树》。自此,水彩画创作进入旺盛期。
关于傅启中的艺术特点,邵宇有以下评价:“如果说有一种绘画能把中西画风谐和在一起;如果说有一种技法,能把水墨画、水彩画、油画、版画的技法运用在一起;如果说有一种绘面,能把人生命的活力和沉淀的感情交融在一起,那就是画家傅启中富有深刻感染力的水彩画了。傅启中的画,一扫过去对水彩画只是经松、 流畅、清淡的概念,而变为厚重、富有表现力的。傅启中说:“我爱能够体现雄浑、厚重、博大、深沉的一切,只要能拿起画笔,就使我激动不已,忘了一切。”他认为:“生活是严峻的,生命是顽强的,在严岭之下的顽强生命力,乃是我希望表现和礼赞的。”傅启中的每一幅人物面、每一件作品,都是作者与边陲少数民族的心声融在一起的诗篇。在作者笔下的每一个面面都给观者留下了极深的印象,在心灵上受到感染。他的代表作有 《赶街》《沉思》 《没水的女孩》《篱旁》《寺前》《古老的河湾》等等。傅启中现为云南艺术学院教授,云南美协水彩艺术委员会主任。
他用他的独特的技法(颜色中加胶、加油的表现方法)画水彩,他弓(人深思的《悠悠》,刻画人物内心感情的《沉思》《等待》表现生活情趣的《篱旁》《初晴》以及反映藏族人民习俗的《古老的河湾》(76× 55cm)、《寺前》(76×55cm)等作品都取得了别具一格的最佳效果,《古老的河湾》和《寺前》,从人物组合到人物感情的描绘,都反映屮鲜明的西藏特色,都是主题性的创作。
The History of China‘s Watercolor painting
Yuan zhenzao
Shanghai Pictorial publishing (Edition 2000)
FU Qizhong(1938-)
Fu Qizhong’s original family home was in Anlu, Hubei Province, and he was born in Wuhan. He went to school early and skipped grades at the primary school for several times. In September of 1949, he went to Jiangjin Middle School in Sichuan Province. He entered Xiaogan Normal College in Hubei in 1953. Being poor, he studied hard and was at the top of his class. He entered Hubei Art Academy in 1956 and was taught by the famous oil painters Yang Liguang, Liu Yiwen, Wan Hao and the famous watercolorist Wei Zhengqi. After graduation he had been engaged in the production of works of oil painting and picture posters for a lone period of time. Recently he has devoted himself to the creation of watercolor paintings and studied all kinds of techniques. He works hard and never stops practicing. His works of art have been chosen to National Art Exhibitions and each National Exhibition of Watercolor Paintings before 1999. His works of art have won many important prizes both at home and abroad.
In 1957, the waterqolor painting Looking at the Distant Changjiang Bridge was on Hubei Art Exhibition of Bridges. In 1959, paintings The Red Army Regimentat Commander Fang Heming and The New village in Sight were on Hubei Art Exhibition for the Tenth Anniversary of Founding of New China. The painting The New Village in Sight was as large as 100xl 50cm. He was sent to Yunnan to be a middle school teacher in 1959, and he still persisted in painting. For many years, he has gone deep into the realities of life and traveled mainly at his own expense. He has gone to mountains, waters and the the frontier villages where ethnic minority people live for many times. He sets his affections at the Tibetan people, and went to the northwest part of Yunnan Province to paint from nature. He has been to Tibet twice by himself. He has gone through many hardships and never given up. He was transferred to Yunnan Arts University to be a teacher in 1981. In 1983, he engaged himself in the production of watercolor works again, focusing on figure painting, and making some breakthroughs in the watercolor technique. His two paintings Long Years and A Beautiful Tree were sdected to the First National Exhibition of Watercolor and Gouache Paintings in 1985, and they were on exhibition as works of excellence in Being, later on exhibition in D. P. R. Korea. Yu Feng wrote an article for Artists to introduce the painting A Beautifu Tree into Contemporary Watercolor Paintings of the Mainland of China since then,Waterolor has entered its prime.
In May of 1988, Fu Qizhong held his personal watercolor exhibition at China Art Gallery in Beiling, and 90 paintings were on exhibition. The head of the Visual Art Bureau of the Argentine Government visited the exhibition and expressed the will to invite him to go to Argentina to exhibit his paintings. At the end of the same year, he visited Argentina as a member of the Chinese Artists delegation, and held exhibitions in Buenos Aires and two other cities. There were 40 paintings were on exhibition. The exhibitions were spoken highly of in these places. In 1991, 40 of his works were on exhibition in Singapore. Besides, he held personal exhibitions in Chengdu, Wuhan, Taiwan and other places. More than 100 works were on exhibition and kept for collection at home and abroad, among which 16 were collected at China Art Gallery. There are two collections of his watercolor paintings now, one is published in China, and the other is in Taiwan. The third one is to be published.
Shao Yu made the following remarks about the artist characteristics Of Fu Oizhong‘s paintings, “If we say there is a kind of painting that can combine Chinese and Western styles; if there is a drawing technique that can put wash painting, watercolor painting, oil painting and woodcut painting together; if there is a painting that can combine vitality of man with his deep feelings, it will be the most jmpressive watercolor paintings of Fu Qizhong. The paintings of Fu Qizhong add a lot of weight and full meanings to watercolor painting’s concept of being relaxing, smooth and delicate. “Fu Qizhong said, “I love all the things that embody vigorousness, firmness, broadeness and deepness, I get very excited when I take up my painting brush, and I‘ll forget all other things”. He thinks that“ reality is stern and the life force is strong, It is the indomitabl life force under severe circunstances that I really want to express and praise”. Every figure painting, every work of art is the epic of the aspiration of the painter and the frontier minority nationalities. Each tablau the painter depicts impresses the audiece deeply and touches them greatly. Among his representaive works, there are going to a Fair,Thinking, the Girl Drawing Water, Beside the Fence, In Front of the Temple and Old River Bend. Fu Qizhong is now a professor of runnan Arts University, and the head of the Watercolor Art Committee Of yunnan Art Association.
Fu qizhong is two years older than Guan weixing. Most of his figure paintings are based on the life of the life of the minority nationalities, expressing the custom of the Tibetan people, particularly reflecting the inner characters and feelings of the figure. He has different painting style form Guan weixing, which especially deep and solemn, he has formed the style after having experienced the hard life in the high snowy mountains, canyons and grasslands and been influenced by the indomitable and heroic character of the fontier people. He uses the unique technique to draw watercolor paintings (the method that puts glue and oil into color). His paintings, like Long Years, which sets people thinking, Thinking and Waiting, which depict the true feelings of the figurs, Beside the Fence and It’s Clearing up, which espress the emotional appeal of life, Old River Bend (76*55cm), which reflects the custom of the Tibetan people, and in Front of the temple (76×55cm), all have the best unique effects. The figure groups and the depiction of the figures‘ feeling in old River Bend and in front of the Temple are of distinct Tibetan features. Both of them are theme creation.
After the watercolor paintings of Mr. Fu Qizhong were exhibited in Beijing in 1988, China Art Gallery collected 16 of his works. The head of the Visual Art Bureau of Argentine Government visited his exhibition in Argentina. Before long, his works of art went abroad and were exhibited in some overseas and Asian countries on succession.
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