王双成 张克让 蒋振立(编)(广西美术出版社2000年版)
傅启中认为“生活是严峻的,生命是顽强的,在严峻之下的顽强生命力,乃是我希望表现和礼赞的。”从傅启中一幅幅人物画中,无论是艰辛的、欢乐的,还是那平平常常的“赶街”,或是那二阳余晖下的牧日,以及天真无邪充满雅气的儿童,每一件作品,都是作者与边陲少数民族的心声融在一起的诗篇。在那艰难的人生历程中,他们顽强地战胜自然,力图使自己生活得更好一些,日出而作,日落而息,这些平平淡淡的生活情节,在作者笔下的每一个西面都给观者留下了极深印象,在心灵上受到了感染。他的代表作有 《赶街》《沉思》《汲水》等。
The Illustrated History of China‘s Watercolor Painting
Wang Shuangcheng, Zhang Kerang, Jiang zhengli
Guangxi Arts Publishing House(Edition 2000)
Fu Qizhong is from Wuhan, Hubei Province. He is a professor of Yunnan Arts University and the head of Yunnan Watercolor and Gouache Art Committee. He is one of the most influential contemporary portrait watercolorists in China. Fu Qizhong’s watercolor paintings are different from other watercolorists‘. His paintings are not fresh or lucid, as historically defined. They combine Chinese and Western paintings, with new development in the art technique. He does his utmost to express the figure’s soul and feelings, and the joys and sorrows of life. He has adopted many methods that he can use for reference in his watercolor paintings. One foreign friend saw his paintings and wondered how they had been drawn. Many portraits he drew are about the life and custom of the Tibetan people. Audience are often moved by the simple, honest images and deep feelings.
The painting Drawing Water is a work of art which depicts the Yunnan minority nationality. Unable to go to school, the little girl is weather beaten after doing manual labor day after day. She is drawing water in front of the multihued stone wall. The old surroundings, tender seedlings, long years, murmuring stream, all these scenes fire mixed with emotions, which sets people thinking. The first step of drawing this picture was to paint the preliminary sketch in pencil carefully, being scrupulous enough to meet the requirements of the creative intention. The process and method of coloring was to paint the surroundings first and then the figure. The texture of the surroundings was made with the method of printing and other methods to produce the effect of being old, using a sponge to spread and dye to paint the texture of the stones. When the background was completed, he began to draw the figure elaborately. Although he also tried to depict the charm of water, he didn‘t emphasize it, which broke down the old convention. He focused on depicting the figure and surroundings with color, and expressing the theme of the painting. If necessary, he would use various methods to show the theme, such as texturing, spreading, dotting, dyeing, printing, waxing, over dyeing, precipitating, and all kinds of texturing methods. He said, “I love all the things that embody vigorousness, firmness, broadness and deepness. 1 get very excited when I take up my painting brush, and I’ll forget all other things. I am an expressionist of the soul. “This is where he is difierent from others.
Fu Qizhong thinks that “Reality is stern and the life force is strong. It is the indomitable life force under severe circumstances that I really want to express and praise. “Every portrait of Fu Qizhong, no matter it shows the hardships or joys of life, no matter it‘s the usual”going to a fair“, or coming back from herding cattle in twilight at sunset, or the innocent and lively child, is a poem of the aspirations of the painter and the frontier minority nationalities. During the hard journey of life, they have never stopped fighting with nature bravely and tried to make themselves live a better life. They work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Each tableau of the ordinary life detail that the painter depicts impresses the audience deeply and touches them greatly. His representative works are Going to a Fair, Thinking, The Girl Drawing Water, and so on.
Fu qizhong has created some large paintings like Moving the Thrshing Ground, Herding Cattle in the Morning, Bakuo Shese, ets. These painings that depict the life of the minority nationalities are the poems in praise of the vigorous life force in severe living conditions.
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